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党中央统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局 |
The Party Central Committee has pursued a strategy of national rejuvenation amid global changes of a magnitude not seen in a century. |
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五年来,我们坚持加强党的全面领导和党中央集中统一领导 |
Over the past five years, we have continued to strengthen the overall leadership of the Party and the centralized, unified leadership of the Central Committee. |
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面对这些影响党长期执政、国家长治久安、人民幸福安康的突出矛盾和问题,党中央审时度势、果敢抉择,锐意进取、攻坚克难 |
In the face of these acute problems and challenges, which undermined the Party’s long-term governance, the security and stability of the country, and the wellbeing of the people, the Party Central Committee fully assessed the situation, made resolute decisions, and took firm steps. |
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明确中国特色社会主义最本质的特征是中国共产党领导,中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势是中国共产党领导,中国共产党是最高政治领导力量,坚持党中央集中统一领导是最高政治原则 |
We have made clear that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, that the Party is the highest force of political leadership, and that upholding the centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is the highest political principle. |
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自觉在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致 |
They have become more purposeful in closely following the Party Central Committee in thinking, political stance, and action |
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确保党中央权威和集中统一领导,确保党发挥总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用 |
All this has ensured the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership and guaranteed that the Party fulfills its core role of exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides. |
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坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,把党的领导落实到党和国家事业各领域各方面各环节 |
We must resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership and see that Party leadership is exercised in all aspects and every stage of the endeavors of the Party and the country. |
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完善党中央对科技工作统一领导的体制 |
We will improve the system in which the Party Central Committee exercises unified leadership over science and technology work. |
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坚持党中央对国家安全工作的集中统一领导,完善高效权威的国家安全领导体制。 |
We must uphold the Central Committee’s centralized, unified leadership over national security work and make sure that our leadership system for national security is high-performing and authoritative. |
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(一)坚持和加强党中央集中统一领导。 |
1. Upholding and strengthening the centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee |