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实施供给侧结构性改革,制定一系列具有全局性意义的区域重大战略,我国经济实力实现历史性跃升 |
We have carried out supply-side structural reform, formulated a series of major regional strategies important to China’s overall development, and brought about a historic rise in China’s economic strength. |
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国内生产总值从五十四万亿元增长到一百一十四万亿元,我国经济总量占世界经济的比重达百分之十八点五,提高七点二个百分点 |
In the past decade, China’s GDP has grown from 54 trillion yuan to 114 trillion yuan to account for 18.5 percent of the world economy, up 7.2 percentage points. |
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稳居世界第二位 |
China has remained the world’s second largest economy |
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人均国内生产总值从三万九千八百元增加到八万一千元。 |
its per capita GDP has risen from 39,800 yuan to 81,000 yuan. |
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谷物总产量稳居世界首位,十四亿多人的粮食安全、能源安全得到有效保障。 |
It ranks first in the world in terms of grain output, and it has ensured food and energy security for its more than 1.4 billion people. |
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城镇化率提高十一点六个百分点,达到百分之六十四点七。 |
The number of permanent urban residents has grown by 11.6 percentage points to account for 64.7 percent of the population. |
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制造业规模、外汇储备稳居世界第一。 |
China’s manufacturing sector is the largest in the world, as are its foreign exchange reserves. |
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建成世界最大的高速铁路网、高速公路网,机场港口、水利、能源、信息等基础设施建设取得重大成就。 |
China has built the world’s largest networks of high-speed railways and expressways and made major achievements in building airports, ports, and water conservancy, energy, information, and other infrastructure. |
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我们加快推进科技自立自强,全社会研发经费支出从一万亿元增加到二万八千亿元,居世界第二位 |
We have accelerated efforts to build our self-reliance and strength in science and technology, with nationwide R&D spending rising from 1 trillion yuan to 2.8 trillion yuan, the second highest in the world. |
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研发人员总量居世界首位。 |
Our country is now home to the largest cohort of R&D personnel in the world. |