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995 坚持不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐一体推进,同时发力、同向发力、综合发力。 We will continue to take simultaneous, coordinated, and comprehensive steps to ensure that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to become corrupt.
996 以零容忍态度反腐惩恶,更加有力遏制增量,更加有效清除存量 We must show zero tolerance in opposing corruption and punishing wrongdoing, and we must take more forceful action to both prevent new cases and root out existing ones.
997 坚决查处政治问题和经济问题交织的腐败,坚决防止领导干部成为利益集团和权势团体的代言人、代理人,坚决治理政商勾连破坏政治生态和经济发展环境问题 We will investigate and deal with corruption that involves both political and economic elements, resolutely prevent leading officials from acting for any interest group or power group, and crack down on any collusion between officials and businesspeople that undermines the political ecosystem or economic development.
998 决不姑息。 There must be no mercy for corruption.
999 深化整治权力集中、资金密集、资源富集领域的腐败 We will intensify efforts to uproot corruption in sectors with a high concentration of power, funds, and resources.
1000 坚决惩治群众身边的“蝇贪” Firm action will be taken to swat “flies,” or corrupt low-ranking officials, whose misconduct directly affects people’s lives.
1001 严肃查处领导干部配偶、子女及其配偶等亲属和身边工作人员利用影响力谋私贪腐问题 We will strictly investigate and handle cases of corruption where leading officials’ spouses, children, children’s spouses, other relatives, or staff use their influence to seek personal gain.
1002 坚持受贿行贿一起查,惩治新型腐败和隐性腐败。 We will punish both bribe takers and givers and combat new and disguised forms of corruption.
1003 深化反腐败国际合作,一体构建追逃防逃追赃机制。 We will deepen international cooperation to combat corruption and establish an integrated mechanism for pursuing fugitives, preventing escape, and retrieving stolen assets.
1004 深化标本兼治,推进反腐败国家立法,加强新时代廉洁文化建设 To address both the symptoms and root causes of corruption, we will advance national anti-corruption legislation and promote a culture of integrity in the new era.