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1026 |
形成同心共圆中国梦的强大合力。 |
By doing so, we will create a powerful collective force working with one heart and one mind to realize the Chinese Dream. |
1027 |
青年强,则国家强。 |
A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive. |
1028 |
当代中国青年生逢其时 |
China’s young people of today are living in a remarkable time. |
1029 |
施展才干的舞台无比广阔,实现梦想的前景无比光明。 |
They have an incomparably broad stage on which to display their full talents, and they have incomparably bright prospects of realizing their dreams. |
1030 |
全党要把青年工作作为战略性工作来抓 |
All of us in the Party should regard our work concerning young people as a matter of strategic significance. |
1031 |
用党的科学理论武装青年,用党的初心使命感召青年,做青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的热心人、青年群众的引路人。 |
We will equip young people with the Party’s theories, inspire them with the Party’s original aspiration and founding mission, and become their confidants, advocates, and guides for the future. |
1032 |
广大青年 |
Young people: |
1033 |
要坚定不移听党话、跟党走,怀抱梦想又脚踏实地,敢想敢为又善作善成 |
You should steadfastly follow the Party and its guidance, aim high but stay grounded, and dare to think big and take action but make sure you can deliver. |
1034 |
立志做有理想、敢担当、能吃苦、肯奋斗的新时代好青年 |
You should strive to be the new era’s great young generation, a generation with ideals, a sense of responsibility, grit, and dedication. |
1035 |
让青春在全面建设社会主义现代化国家的火热实践中绽放绚丽之花。 |
As you endeavor to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects, your youth and vitality will bloom in full splendor. |