ID 原文 译文
123 司法体制改革取得重大进展,社会公平正义保障更为坚实 We have made major progress in reforming the judicial system, thus providing more effective protection for social fairness and justice.
124 法治中国建设开创新局面。 These efforts have opened new ground for advancing the rule of law in China.
125 我们确立和坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位的根本制度 We have established and upheld a foundational system for ensuring the guiding role of Marxism in the ideological domain.
126 新时代党的创新理论深入人心,社会主义核心价值观广泛传播,中华优秀传统文化得到创造性转化、创新性发展,文化事业日益繁荣,网络生态持续向好 The Party’s new theory for the new era has been embraced by the people, the core socialist values are resonating with the public, fine traditional Chinese culture is undergoing creative transformation and development, cultural programs are flourishing, and the online environment has seen continuous improvement.
127 意识形态领域形势发生全局性、根本性转变。 All this has brought overarching and fundamental changes in China’s ideological landscape.
128 我们隆重庆祝中国人民解放军建军九十周年、改革开放四十周年,隆重纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利七十周年、中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战七十周年 We celebrated the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army, the 40th anniversary of the launch of reform and opening up, the 70th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the global war against fascism, and the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteers’ departure for Korea to resist US aggression and aid Korea.
129 成功举办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会 The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics were a great success.
130 青年一代更加积极向上,全党全国各族人民文化自信明显增强、精神面貌更加奋发昂扬。 Our young people are filled with greater optimism and enterprise, and there is a notably stronger sense of cultural confidence and a higher level of morale throughout the Party and the nation.
131 我们深入贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想 We have implemented a people-centered philosophy of development.
132 在幼有所育、学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居、弱有所扶上持续用力,人民生活全方位改善。 We have worked continuously to ensure people’s access to childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing, and social assistance, thus bringing about an all-around improvement in people’s lives.