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133 |
人均预期寿命增长到七十八点二岁。 |
China’s life expectancy has reached 78.2 years |
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居民人均可支配收入从一万六千五百元增加到三万五千一百元。 |
its per capita disposable annual income has risen from 16,500 yuan to 35,100 yuan |
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城镇新增就业年均一千三百万人以上。 |
and more than 13 million urban jobs have been created each year on average over the past 10 years. |
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建成世界上规模最大的教育体系、社会保障体系、医疗卫生体系 |
We have built the largest education, social security, and healthcare systems in the world. |
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教育普及水平实现历史性跨越,基本养老保险覆盖十亿四千万人,基本医疗保险参保率稳定在百分之九十五。 |
These achievements have allowed us to make historic strides in making education universally available, bring 1.04 billion people under the coverage of basic old-age insurance, and ensure basic medical insurance for 95 percent of the population. |
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及时调整生育政策。 |
Timely adjustments have been made to the childbirth policy. |
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改造棚户区住房四千二百多万套,改造农村危房二千四百多万户,城乡居民住房条件明显改善。 |
More than 42 million housing units in run-down urban areas and more than 24 million dilapidated rural houses have been rebuilt, marking a significant improvement in housing conditions in both urban and rural areas. |
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互联网上网人数达十亿三千万人。 |
The number of internet users has reached 1.03 billion. |
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人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感更加充实、更有保障、更可持续,共同富裕取得新成效。 |
We have ensured a more complete and lasting sense of fulfillment, happiness, and security for our people, and we have made further progress in achieving common prosperity for all. |
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我们坚持绿水青山就是金山银山的理念 |
We have acted on the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. |