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524 支持和保证人大及其常委会依法行使立法权、监督权、决定权、任免权 We will support and ensure that people’s congresses and their standing committees lawfully exercise the powers of enacting laws, conducting oversight, making decisions, and appointing and removing officials.
525 健全人大对行政机关、监察机关、审判机关、检察机关监督制度,维护国家法治统一、尊严、权威。 We will improve the system under which people’s congresses conduct oversight of administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs, and we will uphold the unity, sanctity, and authority of the law.
526 加强人大代表工作能力建设,密切人大代表同人民群众的联系。 We will see that deputies to people’s congresses are better able to carry out their work and that they strengthen ties with the general public.
532 完善协商民主体系,统筹推进政党协商、人大协商、政府协商、政协协商、人民团体协商、基层协商以及社会组织协商,健全各种制度化协商平台,推进协商民主广泛多层制度化发展。 We will improve the system of consultative democracy, make coordinated efforts to promote consultations carried out by political parties, people’s congresses, government departments, committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), people’s organizations, communities, and social organizations, and improve various institutional consultative platforms, so as to promote extensive, multilevel, and institutionalized development of consultative democracy.
541 全心全意依靠工人阶级,健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的企事业单位民主管理制度,维护职工合法权益。 We will rely wholeheartedly on the working class and improve the system of democratic management in enterprises and public institutions, which takes basic shape in the form of workers’ congresses, so as to protect workers’ lawful rights and interests.
562 坚持宪法确定的中国共产党领导地位不动摇,坚持宪法确定的人民民主专政的国体和人民代表大会制度的政体不动摇。 We must remain firmly committed to leadership of the Party, to the state system of people’s democratic dictatorship, and to the political system of people’s congresses, all of which are mandated by the Constitution.
877 积极推进人大、政协、军队、地方、民间等各方面对外交往。 Our Party encourages people’s congresses, CPPCC committees, the military, local governments, and people’s organizations to expand their external exchanges.
907 经过十八大以来全面从严治党,我们解决了党内许多突出问题 Since our Party’s 18th National Congress, we have exercised full and rigorous self-governance and solved many of our prominent problems.