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在充分肯定党和国家事业取得举世瞩目成就的同时,必须清醒看到,我们的工作还存在一些不足,面临不少困难和问题。 |
As we fully affirm the remarkable achievements we have made in the cause of the Party and the country, we must not lose sight of the shortcomings in our work and the many difficulties and problems confronting us. |
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主要有: |
They are mainly as follows: |
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发展不平衡不充分问题仍然突出 |
Imbalances and inadequacies in development remain a prominent problem. |
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推进高质量发展还有许多卡点瓶颈,科技创新能力还不强 |
There are many bottlenecks hindering high-quality development, and China’s capacity for scientific and technological innovation is not yet strong enough. |
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确保粮食、能源、产业链供应链可靠安全和防范金融风险还须解决许多重大问题 |
Many major issues need to be resolved in order to guard against financial risks and ensure that food, energy, and industrial and supply chains are secure and reliable. |
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重点领域改革还有不少硬骨头要啃 |
There are still many tough issues to be addressed in the reform of key areas. |
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意识形态领域存在不少挑战 |
Quite a few challenges exist in the ideological domain. |
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城乡区域发展和收入分配差距仍然较大 |
There are still wide gaps in development and income distribution between urban and rural areas and between regions. |
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群众在就业、教育、医疗、托育、养老、住房等方面面临不少难题 |
Our people face many difficulties in areas such as employment, education, medical services, childcare, elderly care, and housing. |
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生态环境保护任务依然艰巨 |
Ecological conservation and environmental protection remain a formidable task. |