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254 |
一切脱离人民的理论都是苍白无力的,一切不为人民造福的理论都是没有生命力的。 |
Theories that are detached from the people will be feeble and ineffective, and theories that cannot deliver for the people will be stale and lifeless. |
255 |
我们要站稳人民立场、把握人民愿望、尊重人民创造、集中人民智慧,形成为人民所喜爱、所认同、所拥有的理论,使之成为指导人民认识世界和改造世界的强大思想武器。 |
We must stand firmly with the people, respond to their wishes, respect their creativity, and pool their wisdom to develop theories that they like, accept, and adopt and that become powerful tools guiding them in understanding and changing the world. |
256 |
必须坚持自信自立。 |
We must maintain self-confidence and stand on our own feet. |
257 |
中国人民和中华民族从近代以后的深重苦难走向伟大复兴的光明前景,从来就没有教科书,更没有现成答案。 |
There has never been an instruction manual or ready-made solution for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to turn to as they fought to end the great sufferings endured since the advent of modern times and have moved on toward the bright future of rejuvenation. |
258 |
党的百年奋斗成功道路是党领导人民独立自主探索开辟出来的,马克思主义的中国篇章是中国共产党人依靠自身力量实践出来的 |
The Party has led the people in independently blazing the path to success over the past century, and the success of Marxism in China has been realized by Chinese Communists through our own endeavors. |
259 |
贯穿其中的一个基本点就是中国的问题必须从中国基本国情出发,由中国人自己来解答。 |
One point underpinning these successes is that China’s issues must be dealt with by Chinese people in light of the Chinese context. |
260 |
我们要坚持对马克思主义的坚定信仰、对中国特色社会主义的坚定信念,坚定道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信 |
We must remain firm in our conviction in Marxism and socialism with Chinese characteristics and strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. |
261 |
以更加积极的历史担当和创造精神为发展马克思主义作出新的贡献 |
With a stronger sense of historical responsibility and creativity, we should make greater contributions to the development of Marxism. |
262 |
既不能刻舟求剑、封闭僵化,也不能照抄照搬、食洋不化。 |
We should never act blindly without assessing how conditions have evolved or allow ourselves to become ossified or closed off, nor should we mechanically imitate others or indiscriminately absorb foreign ideas. |
263 |
必须坚持守正创新。 |
We must uphold fundamental principles and break new ground. |