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264 我们从事的是前无古人的伟大事业 We are advancing a great cause that none have attempted before.
265 守正才能不迷失方向、不犯颠覆性错误 Only by upholding fundamental principles can we avoid losing our bearings or making catastrophic mistakes.
266 创新才能把握时代、引领时代。 Only by breaking new ground can we meet the call of the day and shape the trends of our times.
267 我们要以科学的态度对待科学、以真理的精神追求真理 We should approach Marxism with a respect for science and in the spirit of seeking truth.
268 坚持马克思主义基本原理不动摇,坚持党的全面领导不动摇,坚持中国特色社会主义不动摇 We must never waver in upholding the basic tenets of Marxism, the overall leadership of the Party, and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
269 紧跟时代步伐,顺应实践发展 We should keep pace with the times and adapt to the evolution of practice.
270 以满腔热忱对待一切新生事物,不断拓展认识的广度和深度 We should approach each and every new thing with great enthusiasm and never stop broadening and deepening our understanding of the world.
271 敢于说前人没有说过的新话,敢于干前人没有干过的事情,以新的理论指导新的实践。 We must dare to say what has never been said and do what has never been done, and we must use new theory to guide new practice.
272 必须坚持问题导向。 We must adopt a problem-oriented approach.
273 问题是时代的声音 Problems represent the voice of the times.