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274 回答并指导解决问题是理论的根本任务。 The fundamental task of theory is to respond to problems and provide guidelines for finding solutions.
275 今天我们所面临问题的复杂程度、解决问题的艰巨程度明显加大 The problems we face today are considerably more complex, and resolving them has become much more difficult.
276 给理论创新提出了全新要求。 This presents a completely new challenge for theoretical innovation.
277 我们要增强问题意识,聚焦实践遇到的新问题、改革发展稳定存在的深层次问题、人民群众急难愁盼问题、国际变局中的重大问题、党的建设面临的突出问题 We must be more conscious of problems, especially new problems that are discovered through practice, deep-seated problems affecting reform, development, and stability, pressing concerns of the people, major issues in the evolving global landscape, and prominent issues we face in Party building.
278 不断提出真正解决问题的新理念新思路新办法。 We should keep developing new thinking, new approaches, and new ways to effectively resolve problems.
279 必须坚持系统观念。 We must apply systems thinking.
280 万事万物是相互联系、相互依存的。 All things are interconnected and interdependent.
281 只有用普遍联系的、全面系统的、发展变化的观点观察事物,才能把握事物发展规律。 We must view them with the understanding that they are universally connected, part of a complete system, and constantly evolving if we are to grasp the laws governing their development.
282 我国是一个发展中大国,仍处于社会主义初级阶段,正在经历广泛而深刻的社会变革 As a major developing country, China is still in the primary stage of socialism and is going through an extensive and profound social transformation.
283 推进改革发展、调整利益关系往往牵一发而动全身。 A small move made to advance reform and development or to adjust interests may affect the bigger picture.