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304 |
共同富裕是中国特色社会主义的本质要求,也是一个长期的历史过程。 |
Achieving common prosperity is a defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and involves a long historical process. |
322 |
中国式现代化的本质要求是:坚持中国共产党领导,坚持中国特色社会主义,实现高质量发展,发展全过程人民民主,丰富人民精神世界,实现全体人民共同富裕,促进人与自然和谐共生,推动构建人类命运共同体,创造人类文明新形态。 |
The essential requirements of Chinese modernization are as follows: upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics, pursuing high-quality development, developing whole-process people’s democracy, enriching the people’s cultural lives, achieving common prosperity for all, promoting harmony between humanity and nature, building a human community with a shared future, and creating a new form of human advancement. |
340 |
全过程人民民主制度化、规范化、程序化水平进一步提高,中国特色社会主义法治体系更加完善 |
Further enhance the institutions, standards, and procedures of whole-process people’s democracy; improve the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics |
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坚持中国特色社会主义道路。 |
Following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. |
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着力破解深层次体制机制障碍,不断彰显中国特色社会主义制度优势,不断增强社会主义现代化建设的动力和活力 |
We must work hard to remove deep-seated institutional barriers so as to fully tap into the strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics and continuously imbue our socialist modernization endeavors with fresh dynamism and vitality. |
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必须坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,坚持人民主体地位,充分体现人民意志、保障人民权益、激发人民创造活力。 |
We must firmly stay on the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics, uphold the unity between Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance, and ensure the principal position of the people, so as to give full expression to their will, protect their rights and interests, and spark their creativity. |
557 |
我们要坚持走中国特色社会主义法治道路,建设中国特色社会主义法治体系、建设社会主义法治国家 |
We must follow a path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, develop a Chinese system of socialist rule of law, and establish China as a socialist country under the rule of law. |
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(一)完善以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主义法律体系。 |
1. Improving the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics with the Constitution at its core |
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全面建设社会主义现代化国家,必须坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路 |
To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must develop a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and be more confident in our culture. |
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不断坚定中国特色社会主义共同理想。 |
These efforts will help strengthen the people’s commitment to our common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. |