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304 共同富裕是中国特色社会主义的本质要求,也是一个长期的历史过程。 Achieving common prosperity is a defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and involves a long historical process.
305 我们坚持把实现人民对美好生活的向往作为现代化建设的出发点和落脚点 The immutable goal of our modernization drive is to meet the people’s aspirations for a better life.
306 着力维护和促进社会公平正义,着力促进全体人民共同富裕,坚决防止两极分化。 We will endeavor to maintain and promote social fairness and justice, bring prosperity to all, and prevent polarization.
307 中国式现代化是物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化。 It is the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement.
308 物质富足、精神富有是社会主义现代化的根本要求。 Material abundance and cultural-ethical enrichment are fundamental goals of socialist modernization.
309 物质贫困不是社会主义,精神贫乏也不是社会主义。 Material want is not socialism, nor is cultural impoverishment.
310 我们不断厚植现代化的物质基础,不断夯实人民幸福生活的物质条件,同时大力发展社会主义先进文化,加强理想信念教育,传承中华文明 While continuing to consolidate the material foundation for modernization and improve the material conditions for people’s wellbeing, we will strive to develop advanced socialist culture, foster strong ideals and convictions, and carry forward China’s cultural heritage.
311 促进物的全面丰富和人的全面发展。 We will thus promote all-around material abundance as well as people’s well-rounded development.
312 中国式现代化是人与自然和谐共生的现代化。 It is the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature.
313 人与自然是生命共同体,无止境地向自然索取甚至破坏自然必然会遭到大自然的报复。 Humanity and nature make up a community of life. If we extract from nature without limit or inflict damage on it, we are bound to face its retaliation.