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344 |
国家安全更为巩固,建军一百年奋斗目标如期实现,平安中国建设扎实推进 |
Further consolidate national security; fulfill the goals for the centenary of the People’s Liberation Army in 2027; make solid progress in building a Peaceful China |
345 |
中国国际地位和影响进一步提高,在全球治理中发挥更大作用。 |
Further increase China’s international standing and influence; enable China to play a greater role in global governance |
346 |
全面建设社会主义现代化国家,是一项伟大而艰巨的事业 |
Building a modern socialist country in all respects is a great and arduous endeavor. |
347 |
前途光明,任重道远。 |
Our future is bright, but we still have a long way to go. |
348 |
当前,世界百年未有之大变局加速演进 |
At present, momentous changes of a like not seen in a century are accelerating across the world. |
349 |
新一轮科技革命和产业变革深入发展,国际力量对比深刻调整,我国发展面临新的战略机遇。 |
A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is well under way, and a significant shift is taking place in the international balance of power, presenting China with new strategic opportunities in pursuing development. |
350 |
同时,世纪疫情影响深远,逆全球化思潮抬头,单边主义、保护主义明显上升 |
At the same time, however, the once-in-a-century pandemic has had far-reaching effects; a backlash against globalization is rising; and unilateralism and protectionism are mounting. |
351 |
世界经济复苏乏力,局部冲突和动荡频发,全球性问题加剧 |
The global economic recovery is sluggish, regional conflicts and disturbances are frequent, and global issues are becoming more acute. |
352 |
世界进入新的动荡变革期。 |
The world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. |
353 |
我国改革发展稳定面临不少深层次矛盾躲不开、绕不过 |
At home, we face many deep-seated problems regarding reform, development, and stability that cannot be avoided or bypassed. |