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395 |
完善中国特色现代企业制度,弘扬企业家精神,加快建设世界一流企业。 |
We will improve the modern corporate system with distinctive Chinese features, encourage entrepreneurship, and move faster to help Chinese companies become world-class outfits. |
396 |
支持中小微企业发展。 |
We will support the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises. |
397 |
深化简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革。 |
We will intensify reforms to streamline government administration, delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. |
398 |
构建全国统一大市场,深化要素市场化改革,建设高标准市场体系。 |
We will build a unified national market, advance reforms for the market-based allocation of production factors, and put in place a high-standard market system. |
399 |
完善产权保护、市场准入、公平竞争、社会信用等市场经济基础制度,优化营商环境。 |
We will refine the systems underpinning the market economy, such as those for property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit, in order to improve the business environment. |
400 |
健全宏观经济治理体系,发挥国家发展规划的战略导向作用,加强财政政策和货币政策协调配合 |
We will improve the system of macroeconomic governance, give full play to the strategic guidance of national development plans, and enhance coordination between fiscal and monetary policies. |
401 |
着力扩大内需,增强消费对经济发展的基础性作用和投资对优化供给结构的关键作用。 |
We will work to expand domestic demand and better leverage the fundamental role of consumption in stimulating economic growth and the key role of investment in improving the supply structure. |
402 |
健全现代预算制度,优化税制结构,完善财政转移支付体系。 |
We will improve the modern budget system, optimize the tax structure, and improve the system of transfer payments. |
403 |
深化金融体制改革,建设现代中央银行制度,加强和完善现代金融监管 |
We will deepen structural reform in the financial sector, modernize the central bank system, and strengthen and refine modern financial regulation. |
404 |
强化金融稳定保障体系,依法将各类金融活动全部纳入监管,守住不发生系统性风险底线。 |
We will reinforce the systems that safeguard financial stability, place all types of financial activities under regulation according to the law, and ensure no systemic risks arise. |