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405 |
健全资本市场功能,提高直接融资比重。 |
We will improve the functions of the capital market and increase the proportion of direct financing. |
406 |
加强反垄断和反不正当竞争,破除地方保护和行政性垄断,依法规范和引导资本健康发展。 |
We will take stronger action against monopolies and unfair competition, break local protectionism and administrative monopolies, and conduct law-based regulation and guidance to promote the healthy development of capital. |
407 |
(二)建设现代化产业体系。 |
2. Modernizing the industrial system |
408 |
坚持把发展经济的着力点放在实体经济上 |
In pursuing economic growth, we must continue to focus on the real economy. |
409 |
推进新型工业化,加快建设制造强国、质量强国、航天强国、交通强国、网络强国、数字中国。 |
We will advance new industrialization and move faster to boost China’s strength in manufacturing, product quality, aerospace, transportation, cyberspace, and digital development. |
410 |
实施产业基础再造工程和重大技术装备攻关工程,支持专精特新企业发展,推动制造业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展。 |
We will carry out industrial foundation reengineering projects and research projects on major technologies and equipment; support enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products; and move the manufacturing sector toward higher-end, smarter, and greener production. |
411 |
巩固优势产业领先地位,在关系安全发展的领域加快补齐短板,提升战略性资源供应保障能力。 |
We will consolidate our leading position in industries where we excel, work faster to shore up weaknesses in sectors vital to China’s development security, and improve our capacity for securing the supply of strategic resources. |
412 |
推动战略性新兴产业融合集群发展,构建新一代信息技术、人工智能、生物技术、新能源、新材料、高端装备、绿色环保等一批新的增长引擎。 |
We will promote the integrated and clustered development of strategic emerging industries and cultivate new growth engines such as next-generation information technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, and green industry. |
413 |
构建优质高效的服务业新体系,推动现代服务业同先进制造业、现代农业深度融合。 |
We will build a new system of efficient and high-quality services and promote further integration of modern services with advanced manufacturing and modern agriculture. |
414 |
加快发展物联网,建设高效顺畅的流通体系,降低物流成本。 |
We will accelerate development of the Internet of Things and build an efficient and smooth logistics system to help cut distribution costs. |