ID 原文 译文
475 优化区域教育资源配置,强化学前教育、特殊教育普惠发展,坚持高中阶段学校多样化发展,完善覆盖全学段学生资助体系。 We will better allocate educational resources across regions, strengthen public-benefit preschool education and special needs education, ensure the diversified development of senior secondary schools, and improve the financial aid system so it covers students at all stages of schooling.
476 统筹职业教育、高等教育、继续教育协同创新,推进职普融通、产教融合、科教融汇 We will promote collaborative innovation in vocational education, higher education, and continuing education and promote integration between vocational education and general education, between industry and education, and between science and education.
477 优化职业教育类型定位。 We will better establish vocational education as a category in the educational system.
478 加强基础学科、新兴学科、交叉学科建设,加快建设中国特色、世界一流的大学和优势学科。 We will do more to develop basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary subjects and speed up the development of world-class universities and strong disciplines with Chinese features.
479 引导规范民办教育发展。 We will better guide and regulate the development of private schools.
480 加大国家通用语言文字推广力度。 We will intensify efforts to promote standard spoken and written Chinese.
481 深化教育领域综合改革,加强教材建设和管理,完善学校管理和教育评价体系,健全学校家庭社会育人机制。 We will advance comprehensive reform in education, strengthen the creation and management of teaching materials, refine the systems for school management and educational assessments, and improve mechanisms for school-family-society collaboration in education.
482 加强师德师风建设,培养高素质教师队伍,弘扬尊师重教社会风尚。 We will strengthen the professional integrity, conduct, and ability of our teachers, foster public respect for educators, and encourage public support for education.
483 推进教育数字化,建设全民终身学习的学习型社会、学习型大国。 We will promote the digitalization of education and build a society and country of learning where lifelong learning is pursued by all.
484 (二)完善科技创新体系。 2. Improving systems for scientific and technological innovation