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495 |
坚持面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康,加快实现高水平科技自立自强。 |
Setting our sights on the global frontiers of science and technology, national economic development, the major needs of the country, and the health and safety of the people, we should speed up efforts to achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology. |
496 |
以国家战略需求为导向,集聚力量进行原创性引领性科技攻关,坚决打赢关键核心技术攻坚战。 |
To meet China’s strategic needs, we will concentrate resources on original and pioneering scientific and technological research to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields. |
497 |
加快实施一批具有战略性全局性前瞻性的国家重大科技项目,增强自主创新能力。 |
In order to enhance China’s innovation capacity, we will move faster to launch a number of major national projects that are of strategic, big-picture, and long-term importance. |
498 |
加强基础研究,突出原创,鼓励自由探索。 |
We will strengthen basic research, prioritize original innovation, and encourage researchers to engage in free exploration. |
499 |
提升科技投入效能,深化财政科技经费分配使用机制改革,激发创新活力。 |
To inspire greater creativity, we will invest more effectively in science and technology and advance reform of the mechanisms for the allocation and use of government research funds. |
500 |
加强企业主导的产学研深度融合,强化目标导向,提高科技成果转化和产业化水平。 |
We will promote closer enterprise-led collaboration between industries, universities, and research institutes, stay goal-oriented, and promote the industrial application of scientific and technological advances. |
501 |
强化企业科技创新主体地位,发挥科技型骨干企业引领支撑作用,营造有利于科技型中小微企业成长的良好环境,推动创新链产业链资金链人才链深度融合。 |
We will reinforce the principal role of enterprises in innovation, give full play to the guiding and supporting role of key high-tech enterprises, create an enabling environment for the growth of micro, small, and medium technological enterprises, and promote deeper integration of the innovation, industrial, capital, and talent chains. |
502 |
(四)深入实施人才强国战略。 |
4. Implementing the workforce development strategy |
503 |
培养造就大批德才兼备的高素质人才,是国家和民族长远发展大计。 |
Cultivating a large workforce of high-quality talent who have both integrity and professional competence is of critical importance to the long-term development of China and the Chinese nation. |
504 |
功以才成,业由才广。 |
A wealth of talent is vital to the success of a great cause. |