ID 原文 译文
505 坚持党管人才原则,坚持尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造 We should follow the principle of the Party managing talent, and we should respect work, knowledge, talent, and creativity.
506 实施更加积极、更加开放、更加有效的人才政策,引导广大人才爱党报国、敬业奉献、服务人民。 We will adopt more proactive, open, and effective policies on talent and encourage our talent to love the Party, dedicate themselves to the country and contribute to its cause, and serve the people.
507 完善人才战略布局,坚持各方面人才一起抓,建设规模宏大、结构合理、素质优良的人才队伍。 We will improve the strategic distribution of human resources and make concerted efforts to cultivate talented people in all fields, so as to create a large, well-structured, and high-quality workforce.
508 加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地,促进人才区域合理布局和协调发展,着力形成人才国际竞争的比较优势。 We will move faster to build world hubs for talent and innovation, promote better distribution and balanced development of talent across regions, and strive to build up our comparative strengths in global competition for talent.
509 加快建设国家战略人才力量,努力培养造就更多大师、战略科学家、一流科技领军人才和创新团队、青年科技人才、卓越工程师、大国工匠、高技能人才。 We will speed up efforts to build a contingent of personnel with expertise of strategic importance and cultivate greater numbers of master scholars, science strategists, first-class scientists and innovation teams, young scientists, outstanding engineers, master craftsmen, and highly-skilled workers.
510 加强人才国际交流,用好用活各类人才。 We will increase international personnel exchanges and make the best use of talent of all types to fully harness their potential.
511 深化人才发展体制机制改革,真心爱才、悉心育才、倾心引才、精心用才, We will further reform the systems and mechanisms for talent development and ensure we value talented people, nurture them, attract them, and put them to good use.
512 求贤若渴,不拘一格,把各方面优秀人才集聚到党和人民事业中来。 No effort should be spared and no rigid boundaries drawn in the endeavor to bring together the best and the brightest from all fields for the cause of the Party and the people.
513 六、发展全过程人民民主,保障人民当家作主 VI. Advancing Whole-Process People’s Democracy and Ensuring that the People Run the Country
514 我国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家,国家一切权力属于人民。 China is a socialist country of people’s democratic dictatorship under the leadership of the working class based on an alliance of workers and farmers; all power of the state in China belongs to the people.