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525 健全人大对行政机关、监察机关、审判机关、检察机关监督制度,维护国家法治统一、尊严、权威。 We will improve the system under which people’s congresses conduct oversight of administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs, and we will uphold the unity, sanctity, and authority of the law.
526 加强人大代表工作能力建设,密切人大代表同人民群众的联系。 We will see that deputies to people’s congresses are better able to carry out their work and that they strengthen ties with the general public.
527 健全吸纳民意、汇集民智工作机制,建设好基层立法联系点。 We will improve working mechanisms for drawing on public opinion and pooling the wisdom of the people and ensure that local legislative outreach offices are well-run.
528 深化工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织改革和建设,有效发挥桥梁纽带作用。 We will intensify reform and development of trade unions, Chinese Communist Youth League organizations, women’s federations, and other people’s organizations and give full play to their role as bridges connecting the Party and the people.
529 坚持走中国人权发展道路,积极参与全球人权治理,推动人权事业全面发展。 We will follow a Chinese path of human rights development, actively participate in global human rights governance, and promote all-around advancement of human rights.
530 (二)全面发展协商民主。 2. Fully developing consultative democracy
531 协商民主是实践全过程人民民主的重要形式。 Consultative democracy is an important way by which whole-process people’s democracy is practiced.
532 完善协商民主体系,统筹推进政党协商、人大协商、政府协商、政协协商、人民团体协商、基层协商以及社会组织协商,健全各种制度化协商平台,推进协商民主广泛多层制度化发展。 We will improve the system of consultative democracy, make coordinated efforts to promote consultations carried out by political parties, people’s congresses, government departments, committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), people’s organizations, communities, and social organizations, and improve various institutional consultative platforms, so as to promote extensive, multilevel, and institutionalized development of consultative democracy.
533 坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,坚持党的领导、统一战线、协商民主有机结合 We will uphold and improve the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation and ensure the integration of Party leadership, the united front, and consultative democracy.
534 坚持发扬民主和增进团结相互贯通、建言资政和凝聚共识双向发力 We will give play to the CPPCC’s role as a specialized consultative body and see that it coordinates efforts to promote democracy and unity while making proposals on state affairs and building consensus.