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575 强化行政执法监督机制和能力建设,严格落实行政执法责任制和责任追究制度。 We will refine law enforcement procedures and the standards for administrative discretion, enhance oversight mechanisms and oversight capacity, and strictly implement responsibility and accountability systems.
576 完善基层综合执法体制机制。 We will also improve the systems and mechanisms for coordinated law enforcement at the community level.
577 (三)严格公正司法。 3. Ensuring strict and impartial administration of justice
578 公正司法是维护社会公平正义的最后一道防线。 An impartial judiciary is the last line of defense for social fairness and justice.
579 深化司法体制综合配套改革,全面准确落实司法责任制,加快建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度 We will deepen comprehensive and integrated reform of the judicial system, fully and faithfully enforce judicial accountability, and accelerate the development of a fair, efficient, and authoritative socialist judicial system.
580 努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。 We will see that the people feel justice has been served in each and every judicial case.
581 规范司法权力运行,健全公安机关、检察机关、审判机关、司法行政机关各司其职、相互配合、相互制约的体制机制。 We will ensure the well-regulated exercise of judicial power and improve the systems and mechanisms that enable public security organs, procuratorates, courts, and administrative agencies for justice to perform their respective functions and to coordinate with and check one another.
582 强化对司法活动的制约监督,促进司法公正。 Checks and oversight on judicial activities will be enhanced to ensure judicial justice.
583 加强检察机关法律监督工作。完善公益诉讼制度。 Procuratorial organs will step up legal oversight, and the system of public-interest litigation will be improved.
584 (四)加快建设法治社会。 4. Stepping up efforts to establish the rule of law throughout society