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53 经济结构性体制性矛盾突出 China’s economy was beset by acute structural and institutional problems.
54 发展不平衡、不协调、不可持续,传统发展模式难以为继,一些深层次体制机制问题和利益固化藩篱日益显现 Development was imbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable, and the traditional development model could no longer keep us moving forward. Some deep-seated problems in institutions and barriers built by vested interests were becoming more and more apparent.
55 一些人对中国特色社会主义政治制度自信不足,有法不依、执法不严等问题严重存在 Some people lacked confidence in the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics, and, all too often, we saw laws being ignored or not being strictly enforced.
56 拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义和历史虚无主义等错误思潮不时出现,网络舆论乱象丛生,严重影响人们思想和社会舆论环境 Misguided patterns of thinking such as money worship, hedonism, egocentricity, and historical nihilism were common, and online discourse was rife with disorder. All this had a grave impact on people’s thinking and the public opinion environment.
57 民生保障存在不少薄弱环节 Our work to ensure the people’s wellbeing was fraught with weak links.
58 资源环境约束趋紧、环境污染等问题突出 Tightening resource and environmental constraints and environmental pollution were pronounced.
59 维护国家安全制度不完善、应对各种重大风险能力不强 The systems for safeguarding national security were inadequate, and our capacity for responding to various major risks was insufficient.
60 国防和军队现代化存在不少短板弱项 Many shortcomings were affecting the modernization of national defense and the military.
61 香港、澳门落实“一国两制”的体制机制不健全,国家安全受到严峻挑战 The institutions and mechanisms for implementing the policy of One Country, Two Systems in Hong Kong and Macao were not well-developed, and China faced grave challenges to its national security.
62 等等。 These were just some of the problems we faced.