ID 原文 译文
615 坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,把社会主义核心价值观融入法治建设、融入社会发展、融入日常生活。 We will uphold both the rule of law and the rule of virtue and see that the core socialist values are incorporated into efforts to advance the rule of law, into social development, and into the people’s daily lives.
616 (三)提高全社会文明程度。 3. Enhancing civility throughout society
617 实施公民道德建设工程,弘扬中华传统美德,加强家庭家教家风建设,加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设 We will continue the civic morality campaign, carry forward traditional Chinese virtues, foster stronger family ties, values, and traditions, and raise the intellectual and moral standards of minors.
618 推动明大德、守公德、严私德 We will build public commitment to the greater good, public morality, and personal integrity.
619 提高人民道德水准和文明素养。 These efforts will help raise public moral standards and enhance public civility.
620 统筹推动文明培育、文明实践、文明创建,推进城乡精神文明建设融合发展 To promote cultural-ethical progress, we will take coordinated steps to raise awareness, apply principles, and develop initiatives and advance efforts in both urban and rural areas.
621 在全社会弘扬劳动精神、奋斗精神、奉献精神、创造精神、勤俭节约精神,培育时代新风新貌。 We will foster an ethos of work, enterprise, dedication, creativity, and frugality throughout society and cultivate new trends and new customs for our times.
622 加强国家科普能力建设,深化全民阅读活动。 We will increase people’s knowledge of science and encourage everyone to read.
623 完善志愿服务制度和工作体系。 The system and working mechanisms for volunteer services will be improved.
624 弘扬诚信文化,健全诚信建设长效机制。 We will promote integrity and credibility in society and work to perfect relevant long-term mechanisms.