ID 原文 译文
625 发挥党和国家功勋荣誉表彰的精神引领、典型示范作用,推动全社会见贤思齐、崇尚英雄、争做先锋。 We will see that Party and state awards and honors play a guiding and exemplary role and that a public atmosphere prevails in which people emulate paragons of virtue, look up to heroes, and strive to become pioneers.
626 (四)繁荣发展文化事业和文化产业。 4. Developing cultural programs and the cultural sector
627 坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,推出更多增强人民精神力量的优秀作品,培育造就大批德艺双馨的文学艺术家和规模宏大的文化文艺人才队伍。 We will encourage people-centered cultural creation and production of more outstanding works that inspire the people, and we will nurture a great number of writers and artists of both moral and artistic stature as well as a large contingent of talented personnel in culture and the arts.
628 坚持把社会效益放在首位、社会效益和经济效益相统一,深化文化体制改革,完善文化经济政策。 We will make sure the cultural sector prioritizes social benefit while also producing economic returns, deepen reform of the cultural management system, and improve economic policy for the cultural sector.
629 实施国家文化数字化战略,健全现代公共文化服务体系,创新实施文化惠民工程。 We will implement a national cultural digitization strategy, improve the modern system of public cultural services, and launch new public-benefit cultural programs.
630 健全现代文化产业体系和市场体系,实施重大文化产业项目带动战略。 We will improve the modern systems for cultural industries and markets and implement major cultural projects to spur the development of the sector.
631 加大文物和文化遗产保护力度,加强城乡建设中历史文化保护传承,建好用好国家文化公园。 We will put more effort into protecting cultural artifacts and heritage, better protect and preserve historical and cultural heritage in the course of urban and rural development, and build and make good use of national cultural parks.
632 坚持以文塑旅、以旅彰文,推进文化和旅游深度融合发展。 We will encourage positive interplay between culture and tourism and advance deeper integration of the two sectors.
633 广泛开展全民健身活动,加强青少年体育工作,促进群众体育和竞技体育全面发展,加快建设体育强国。 We will launch extensive public fitness initiatives, improve physical education for our young people, promote all-around development of recreational and competitive sports, and move faster to build China into a country strong in sports.
634 (五)增强中华文明传播力影响力。 5. Extending the reach and appeal of Chinese civilization