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675 |
扩大社会保险覆盖面,健全基本养老、基本医疗保险筹资和待遇调整机制,推动基本医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险省级统筹。 |
We will expand the coverage of social insurance programs, improve the mechanisms for financing and adjusting benefits for basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance, and work toward provincial-level unified management of funds for basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation. |
676 |
促进多层次医疗保障有序衔接,完善大病保险和医疗救助制度,落实异地就医结算 |
We will promote the orderly linking up of medical insurance programs at different levels, improve major disease insurance and medical assistance schemes, and see that medical expenses are settled where they are incurred. |
677 |
建立长期护理保险制度,积极发展商业医疗保险。 |
We will institute an insurance system to support long-term care and vigorously develop commercial medical insurance. |
678 |
加快完善全国统一的社会保险公共服务平台。 |
We will move faster to improve the nationally unified public platform for social insurance services. |
679 |
健全社保基金保值增值和安全监管体系。 |
Improvements will be made to the system whereby social security funds are kept safe through supervision and their value is maintained and increased over time. |
680 |
健全分层分类的社会救助体系。 |
The multi-tiered and categorized social assistance system will be improved. |
681 |
坚持男女平等基本国策,保障妇女儿童合法权益。 |
We will remain committed to the fundamental national policy of gender equality and protect the lawful rights and interests of women and children. |
682 |
完善残疾人社会保障制度和关爱服务体系,促进残疾人事业全面发展。 |
For people with disabilities, we will improve the social security and service systems and promote all-around development of related programs. |
683 |
坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,加快建立多主体供给、多渠道保障、租购并举的住房制度。 |
Adhering to the principle that housing is for living in and not for speculation, we will move faster to build a housing system featuring multiple suppliers and various channels of support that encourages both housing rentals and purchases. |
684 |
(四)推进健康中国建设。 |
Advancing the Healthy China Initiative |