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755 强化经济、重大基础设施、金融、网络、数据、生物、资源、核、太空、海洋等安全保障体系建设。 We will strengthen the safeguards for ensuring economic, major infrastructure, financial, cyber, data, biological, resource, nuclear, space, and maritime security.
756 健全反制裁、反干涉、反“长臂管辖”机制。 Mechanisms for countering foreign sanctions, interference, and long-arm jurisdiction will be strengthened.
757 完善国家安全力量布局,构建全域联动、立体高效的国家安全防护体系。 We will improve the allocation of national security resources and create a coordinated, multi-dimensional, and highly effective system for protecting national security across all domains.
758 (二)增强维护国家安全能力。 2. Strengthening our capacity for safeguarding national security
759 坚定维护国家政权安全、制度安全、意识形态安全,加强重点领域安全能力建设 We will resolutely safeguard the security of China’s state power, systems, and ideology and build up security capacity in key areas.
760 确保粮食、能源资源、重要产业链供应链安全 We will ensure the security of food, energy, and resources as well as key industrial and supply chains.
761 加强海外安全保障能力建设,维护我国公民、法人在海外合法权益 We will strengthen our capacity to ensure overseas security and protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal entities overseas.
762 维护海洋权益,坚定捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益。 We will safeguard China’s maritime rights and interests and resolutely defend our country’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.
763 提高防范化解重大风险能力,严密防范系统性安全风险 We will enhance our capacity to prevent and mitigate major risks and will remain on high alert against systemic security risks.
764 严厉打击敌对势力渗透、破坏、颠覆、分裂活动。 We will crack down hard on infiltration, sabotage, subversion, and separatist activities by hostile forces.