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865 始终根据事情本身的是非曲直决定自己的立场和政策,维护国际关系基本准则,维护国际公平正义。 It has always decided its position and policy on issues based on their own merits, and it has strived to uphold the basic norms governing international relations and safeguard international fairness and justice.
866 中国尊重各国主权和领土完整 China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.
867 坚持国家不分大小、强弱、贫富一律平等,尊重各国人民自主选择的发展道路和社会制度 It stays true to the principle of equality of all countries big or small, strong or weak, and rich or poor, and it respects the development paths and social systems independently chosen by all the world’s peoples.
868 坚决反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治,反对冷战思维,反对干涉别国内政,反对搞双重标准。 China stands firmly against all forms of hegemonism and power politics, the Cold War mentality, interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and double standards.
869 中国奉行防御性的国防政策,中国的发展是世界和平力量的增长 China pursues a defensive national defense policy, and its development strengthens the world’s forces for peace.
870 无论发展到什么程度,中国永远不称霸、永远不搞扩张。 No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansionism.
871 中国坚持在和平共处五项原则基础上同各国发展友好合作 China adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in pursuing friendship and cooperation with other countries.
872 推动构建新型国际关系,深化拓展平等、开放、合作的全球伙伴关系,致力于扩大同各国利益的汇合点。 It is committed to promoting a new type of international relations, deepening and expanding global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation, and broadening the convergence of interests with other countries.
873 促进大国协调和良性互动,推动构建和平共处、总体稳定、均衡发展的大国关系格局。 China works to enhance coordination and positive interaction with other major countries to build major-country relations featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development.
874 坚持亲诚惠容和与邻为善、以邻为伴周边外交方针,深化同周边国家友好互信和利益融合。 Acting on the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness and the policy of forging friendships and partnerships with its neighbors, China strives to enhance friendly ties, mutual trust, and converging interests with its neighboring countries.