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935 |
以党章为根本,以民主集中制为核心,完善党内法规制度体系,增强党内法规权威性和执行力 |
We should take the Party Constitution as our fundamental guide and give full play to the core role of democratic centralism in order to improve the framework of Party regulations, increase their authority, and fully enforce them. |
936 |
形成坚持真理、修正错误,发现问题、纠正偏差的机制。 |
We will put in place mechanisms for upholding truth, correcting errors, uncovering problems, and remedying failings. |
937 |
健全党统一领导、全面覆盖、权威高效的监督体系,完善权力监督制约机制 |
We will improve the total-coverage, authoritative, and highly effective oversight system under the Party’s unified leadership and refine the mechanisms for overseeing power and keeping it in check. |
938 |
以党内监督为主导,促进各类监督贯通协调,让权力在阳光下运行。 |
We will generate synergy between various forms of oversight with intraparty oversight serving as the mainstay, and we will ensure that power is exercised in broad daylight. |
939 |
推进政治监督具体化、精准化、常态化,增强对“一把手”和领导班子监督实效。 |
We will conduct concrete, targeted, and regular political oversight and keep leadership teams and their heads under effective oversight. |
940 |
发挥政治巡视利剑作用,加强巡视整改和成果运用。 |
We will see that political inspections serve as a powerful tool and that follow-up rectifications are made accordingly and their results are put to practical use. |
941 |
落实全面从严治党政治责任,用好问责利器。 |
We will work to ensure that political responsibility for full and rigorous Party self-governance is fulfilled and that accountability mechanisms have real teeth. |
942 |
(四)建设堪当民族复兴重任的高素质干部队伍。 |
4. Cultivating officials capable of shouldering the mission of national rejuvenation |
943 |
全面建设社会主义现代化国家,必须有一支政治过硬、适应新时代要求、具备领导现代化建设能力的干部队伍。 |
To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must have a team of officials who are politically committed and who have the competence to meet the needs of the new era and lead China’s modernization drive. |
944 |
坚持党管干部原则 |
We must adhere to the principle of the Party supervising officials. |