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945 |
坚持德才兼备、以德为先、五湖四海、任人唯贤,把新时代好干部标准落到实处。 |
We must select officials on the basis of both integrity and ability, with greater weight given to integrity, and on the basis of merit regardless of background, thus fully applying the criteria for judging competent officials in the new era. |
946 |
树立选人用人正确导向,选拔忠诚干净担当的高素质专业化干部,选优配强各级领导班子。 |
We will follow the right approach to selecting and appointing officials, select those who are high-caliber, professional, loyal, upright, and responsible, and ensure that strong and competent leadership teams are put in place at all levels. |
947 |
坚持把政治标准放在首位,做深做实干部政治素质考察,突出把好政治关、廉洁关。 |
We will take political commitment as the primary criterion for selection and carry out solid vetting of officials’ political commitment to ensure that they are politically reliable and corruption-free. |
948 |
加强实践锻炼、专业训练,注重在重大斗争中磨砺干部 |
We will strengthen the ability of officials by tempering them through practice and giving them professional training, and we will focus on honing their skills by assigning them major tasks. |
949 |
增强干部推动高质量发展本领、服务群众本领、防范化解风险本领。 |
This will help to ensure that officials become more capable of pursuing high-quality development, serving the people, and guarding against and defusing risks. |
950 |
加强干部斗争精神和斗争本领养成,着力增强防风险、迎挑战、抗打压能力 |
We will redouble our efforts to build the fighting spirit and ability of officials, particularly their ability to prevent risks, rise to challenges, and withstand pressure. |
951 |
带头担当作为,做到平常时候看得出来、关键时刻站得出来、危难关头豁得出来。 |
This will enable them to take the lead in shouldering responsibility and to excel in their daily work, step forward at critical moments, and act with courage in times of danger. |
952 |
完善干部考核评价体系,引导干部树立和践行正确政绩观 |
We will improve the system for assessing officials’ performance and see that officials have a correct understanding of what it means to perform well. |
953 |
推动干部能上能下、能进能出,形成能者上、优者奖、庸者下、劣者汰的良好局面。 |
We should also see that officials can be demoted as well as promoted and dismissed as well as recruited, thereby creating an environment in which the competent are elevated, the outstanding are rewarded, the mediocre are demoted, and the incompetent are dismissed. |
954 |
抓好后继有人这个根本大计 |
It is of critical importance to the Party’s future that we have qualified successors to carry forward our cause. |