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965 严密的组织体系是党的优势所在、力量所在。 The Party’s advantages and strength lie in its close-knit organizational system.
966 各级党组织要履行党章赋予的各项职责,把党的路线方针政策和党中央决策部署贯彻落实好,把各领域广大群众组织凝聚好。 Party organizations at all levels must perform the duties prescribed to them by the Party Constitution, implement the Party’s lines, principles, and policies and the Central Committee’s decisions and plans, and effectively organize and rally people from all walks of life.
967 坚持大抓基层的鲜明导向,抓党建促乡村振兴,加强城市社区党建工作 In strengthening Party organizations, we need to keep a clear focus on the primary level, using Party building initiatives to propel rural revitalization and intensifying Party-building efforts in urban communities.
968 推进以党建引领基层治理,持续整顿软弱涣散基层党组织,把基层党组织建设成为有效实现党的领导的坚强战斗堡垒。 We will guide community-level governance through Party building, keep working to strengthen weak and lax Party organizations at the primary level, and see that primary-level Party organizations play a key role in ensuring the exercise of the Party’s leadership.
969 全面提高机关党建质量,推进事业单位党建工作。 Party building will be improved across the board in Party and state offices and will be advanced in public institutions.
970 推进国有企业、金融企业在完善公司治理中加强党的领导 We will make sure that Party leadership in SOEs and financial firms is strengthened in the process of their improvements to corporate governance.
971 加强混合所有制企业、非公有制企业党建工作 Party building will also be stepped up in mixed-ownership and non-public enterprises.
972 理顺行业协会、学会、商会党建工作管理体制。 The management systems for Party building in trade associations, academic societies, and chambers of commerce will be improved.
973 加强新经济组织、新社会组织、新就业群体党的建设。 Party building efforts will also be enhanced in new types of economic and social organizations and among groups in new forms of employment.
974 注重从青年和产业工人、农民、知识分子中发展党员 We will pay particular attention to recruiting young people, industrial workers, farmers, and intellectuals into the Party.